Audicare wa - 44a Salvado road, wemblEy Call us on 08 9325 3597
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to use wax softener prior to treatment?
We prefer it if you use a wax softener for 2 days prior to your appointment. If your ear wax is soft it will be much easier to remove. We recommend Olive Oil or a product such as EarClear.
If you think you have an ear drum perforation, or have grommets, do not use any softening products.
I have a history of ear related issues. Is Micro-suction & Curettage safe for me?
Micro-suction & Curettage can be carried out on individuals with perforated eardrums, grommets, mastoid cavities and cleft palate as well as for clearing out foreign objects. All of which cannot be done with syringing and irrigation.
Can you treat children?
Yes. Children from the age of 4 can receive treatment. We may ask your assistance to keep your child still during the treament.
Is the treatment painful?
In the majority of cases the treatment is pain-free. However, rarely, some clients suffer mild discomfort if they have very dry or impacted ear wax. This is why we recommend ear wax softeners to be used prior to the appointment.
Do I need a referral?
No. You can book an appointment any time you feel that you may have an issue with ear wax. You can book direct by using the Book Now button or, if you prefer, contact us by phone (08 9325 3597) or email
Do you offer a mobile service?
Absolutely we do! We cover the whole of the Perth Metro Area. We are also happy to provide group services such as offices, nursing homes, retirement villages and even mine sites. Please contact us by phone (08 9325 3597) or email to discuss options and pricing.
Where are you based?
Our friendly comfortable clinic is at 44A Salvado Rd in Wembley. We're across the road from Homebase & Bunnings Subiaco.
We're close to public transport and there is free parking behind our clinic, on Salvado Road and across the road in the Bunnings Car Park.
Why do I get ear wax build up?
Ear wax is a natural product which, usually, clears itself. Things like age, diet, wearing ear plugs or headphones, working in noisy environments, hearing aids, anatomy, genetics and even ethnicity can be factors which affect ear wax build up.
What are the symptoms of ear wax build up?
Ear wax build up is indicated by number of factors such as Hearing Loss, Vertigo, Tinnitus, Pain & Discomfort, Discharge, Infection or a Cough Reflex. Ear wax removal can help, or even stop, these symptoms.
Contact Audicare WA Today
Reach out for gentle ear wax removal services in Western Australia.
Our Location
Visit us for gentle ear wax removal by experienced registered nurses in Western Australia.
44a Salvado Road, Wembley, Western Australia, 6014
Mon-Fri 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
08 9325 3597